Covid Update
If there are travel restrictions in place for your travel dates and no-one is allowed to travel for Holidays, then we will offer the following:-
MOVE – We move your booking to the same time next year (if related to an event) and any monies paid will be transferred to the new booking.
HOLD – We hold monies paid until you contact us with new dates at which time, we will transfer any monies being held.
REFUND – the refund will be total amount you paid less any credit card surcharges and $100 cancellation fee (normally your entire deposit)
Otherwise our normal Cancellation Policy will apply.
INDEMITY/DISCLAIMER Blue Mountains Escapes has taken all steps and done all things to present the property in a clean and workmanlike manner as advised by relevant government authority. Blue Mountains Escapes is not responsible for any spread of COVID 19 and will not be held responsible for anything arising from or related to the spread of COVID 19, in respect of which you occupy the property at your own risk.
In regard to our current operation, we are undertaking the following measures to maintain a healthy environment for all.
We use hospital-grade disinfectant and will continue to disinfect all surfaces when cleaning our apartments.
Aerosol disinfectants are also used throughout properties during cleaning.
All homes doona covers are changed after every turnover.
Our cleaning team has received additional training to ensure they are taking appropriate steps with their own personal hygiene including frequent hand washing and of course self-isolation in the event of the onset of any symptoms.
We will continue to monitor Government advice on procedures and restrictions during this outbreak. We understand that conditions and government restrictions are changing quickly and we will continue to respond to these changes as they arise.